Indoor and Outdoor Lighting - B&G Electrical

Green energy remod­el­ing is one way home­own­ers can increase the value of their home and save money. Chang­ing to new energy effi­ciency light fix­tures saves money in elec­tric bills spot22and extends the time period of the light of the bulb. Instal­la­tion of motion sen­sor devices is great for out­door areas, unused office space, bath­rooms and more. Auto­mated devices are very cost-​effective. Proper main­te­nance for elec­tri­cal equip­ment is vital to effi­cient lighting. B&G Elec­tri­cal can come to your site and give a free esti­mate for green light­ing upgrades. We also offer quar­terly and monthly main­te­nace plans for inspect­ing and ser­vic­ing elec­tri­cal equipment. Noth­ing can high­light your house bet­ter than attrac­tive land­scape light­ing. Not only does it add beauty, it also pro­vides secu­rity and safety by keep­ing your home or busi­ness well lit.
With nelightpolewer tech­nol­ogy such as solar power and LED, Land­scape light­ing is fairly inex­pen­sive to install and oper­ate. Don’t worry, land­scape light­ing is safe for chil­dren and pets. Our team of elec­tri­cians in Jack­sonville FL can pro­vide you with the most eco­nom­i­cal and attrac­tive light­ing options. Call today for a free estimate. Secu­rity is one of the high­est pri­or­i­ties for mod­ern light­ing. Installing a motion sen­sor or a polandscape-lightingst fix­ture in your back­yard makes a big dif­fer­ence. Park­ing lot pole lights are nec­es­sary for busi­ness. By law, every park­ing lot must have 3 – 4 foot-​candles of light evenly dis­trib­uted across the pave­ment. Busi­nesses which neglect this require­ment may find them­selves sub­ject to heavy penal­ties with costly fines. Hav­ing incor­rect light­ing can also be an insur­ance lia­bil­ity. It is much less expen­sive to keep pole lights in work­ing order than to face law­suits and higher insur­ance rates. B&G Elec­tri­cal has the best elec­tri­cians in Jack­sonville and also the most reli­able equip­ment to address these issues, usu­ally within 24 hours. What­ever volt­age, wattage, height or brand, we can fix it.

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3230 Kline Road Jacksonville Florida 32246
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