Electrical Safety Inspections & Code Corrections

Elec­tri­cal Safety Inspec­tions are required when power has been turned off for an extended period of time. They are also required when author­i­ties deter­mine that a home or work­place is a haz­ard. Mis­use of exten­sion cords and other elec­tri­cal prod­ucts cre­ate fire and shock haz­ards. This is espe­cially true around the hol­i­day sea­sons with the Christ­mas lights. Hav­ing a pro­fes­sional elec­tri­cian address these prob­lems is the best way to go. inspection In Jack­sonville FL, the JEA, our local elec­tric com­pany, requires an elec­tri­cal inspec­tion of a home when elec­tri­cal ser­vice has been inac­tive for at least one year. Aban­doned homes that have been unoc­cu­pied for extended peri­ods of time may be vul­ner­a­ble to van­dal­ism as they are stripped of elec­tri­cal com­po­nents that may be valu­able to sell. Our elec­tri­cians can per­form these safety inspec­tions for you. Call our office to schedule.

Code Corrections

It is not a good idea for a gen­eral handy­man to han­dle your elec­tri­cal sys­tem. We have seen instances when exten­sion cords were run to elec­tri­cal pan­els (instead of elec­tri­cal lines!) and fix­ture con­nec­tions in the bed­room where kids sleep and play were left exposed. For issues such as this, you need a licensed elec­tri­cian to check your home or busi­ness and cor­rect any electric problems.

We can pro­vide a thor­ough elec­tri­cal code inspec­tion at your home or busi­ness and give you the best ser­vice. If we find any elec­tri­cal devices which do not meet code, in most cases, we can upgrade the device while on the job site.

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3230 Kline Road Jacksonville Florida 32246
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