Have Questions?

Here you’ll find answers to some common questions we receive from our customers. If you have a question that’s not answered here, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Circuit breakers are designed to disconnect in the case of an overload or short. In many cases we get calls from people stating that they have checked the breakers and didn’t see anything disconnected. The problem is that most brands of circuit breakers don’t move much when they are not working. In order to know for sure you need to check each one by either carefully move the breaker toward the “off” position. In many cases if the breaker is not working, it will move easily to the middle or off position

Breaker panels should not buzz. If you have heard yours make a buzzing sound please call for an electrical inspection.

A breaker that trips immediately after it’s reset is telling you that there’s an electrical problem. Call us.

When working with electricity, safety is always the most important concern. Before starting any work, it is imperative that you make sure you are absolutely qualified to make the repairs you are planning. If there is any doubt, you should contact a professional electrician.

If you do have a project which you find you are qualified to undertake, you should make sure to always turn off the power to the circuit you want to work on by switching the circuit breaker to OFF in your main panel. The floor you are standing on should not be damp. Do not touch plumbing or gas piping. Be sure to test wires before you touch them to make sure the power has been turned off. It is important that you understand your system and electrical safety procedures before you start.

You may also need a permit. If you are doing the work yourself, you must purchase the permit and have the city inspector inspect your work. Projects which do not require a permit are replacing existing receptacles, replacing or changing a light fixture, or installing a phone or coax cable for cable television. You will need a permit for most other jobs, like adding or extending circuits, new wiring, installing a new panel, installing a new receptacle or light fixture in a location that did not have one previously, and restoring electrical service. Permits are necessary – you could be subject to civil penalties if you do not obtain the required permits and inspections. It is a way to protect your investment because these inspections prevent home fires. It is estimated that $450 million a year in property damage results from fires caused by faulty electrical wiring. Check with your local building department to find out if you need to acquire a permit.

If you have a shadow of a doubt, err on the safe side. B&G Electrical is a licensed professional electrical contractor and can help you with the largest or the smallest jobs. Just call!
Phone: (904) 620-0081

Toll Free: (800) 965-0081

Fax: (904) 620-9815

LED and fluorescent (specifically CFL) lighting are two alternatives to the common incandescent light bulb. Incandescent light uses a lot of energy, and thus costs more, so LED or fluorescent lights are a better, more energy-efficient option.

Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs are about four times more efficient than the average incandescent light bulb. They cost more, but the amount of energy and money they save make up for it. Not only that, the lifespan of a CFL can range from 6,000 to 15,000 hours, 6-15 times longer than an incandescent. They produce light by using electricity to excite mercury vapor. Because fluorescent lights contain mercury, they can be a hazard and cannot simply be thrown away. They can be dangerous when broken. Frequently turning a CFL on and off can diminish it’s long lifespan. It is recommended to wait for least 15 minutes after turning the light one before turning it back off. It’s good for places where light is in frequently used, like a closet low temperatures and reduce the power of a CFL. Later in a CFL bulb’s life, the light will not be as powerful as it once was.

Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lights are more efficient than both incandescent and fluorescent lights. LED lights can last about 10 times longer than a fluorescent light. Although LEDs cost a lot compared to fluorescence or incandescent lights they are much more cost effective in the long run. LEDs do not produce much heat, so they also do not contribute to additional air conditioning expenses. LEDs are mercury free and extremely durable. Both these light types don’t just come in the form of household bulbs. For example, the tube ceiling lights are usually fluorescent and street lamps can use LED lighting. B & G Electric can install these and more, so give us a call.

Phone: (904) 620-0081
Toll Free: (800) 965-0081
Fax: (904) 620-9815

There’s a very simple way to figure out how much energy your home appliances are using. I can accurately determine how much energy each appliance in my home is using.

The formula is:

(Wattage × Hours Used Per Day ÷ 1000 = Daily Kilowatt-hour (kWh) consumption(1 kilowatt (kW) = 1,000 Watts)

Determine the annual energy consumption by estimating how many days per year you use the appliance. Then, you can figure the annual cost by multiplying the kWh by using your local utility’s kWh rate.

Here’s an example of something you may use frequently – a personal computer and monitor.

(120 + 150 Watts × 4 hours/day × 365 days/year) ÷ 1000 = 394 kWh × 8.5 cents/kWh = $33.51/year

Adjust the numbers to what you use. If you don’t know the exact figures, make an estimate.

Many appliances have the wattage stamped somewhere on the unit itself. It may be on a metal plate along with the manufacturer’s serial number. If you can’t find the wattage, you may find the amount of amps the unit consumes. If you find the amp consumption, multiply it by the voltage used by the appliance. For most household items, it’s 120 volts.


your electric stove and dryer are usually rated at 240 volts.

Beware of a condition known as “phantom load.” This is when appliances continue to use electricity even when they’re turned off. Some common examples are your VCR, TV, stereo, computer, and many kitchen appliances.

You can prevent phantom load by either unplugging the appliance from the wall socket, or you can plug it into a power strip.

Turn off the power strip when you’re done using the appliance. This will save some money on your energy bill every year.

Here’s some typical wattage ratings for common household appliances:

Coffee maker = 900–1200

Clothes washer = 350–500

Clothes dryer = 1800–5000

Dishwasher = 1200–2400 (using the drying feature greatly increases energy consumption)

Clothes iron = 1000–1800

Microwave oven = 750–1100

Radio (stereo) = 70–400

Refrigerator (frost-free, 16 cubic feet) = 725

Televisions (color)

o 19″ = 65–110

o 27″ = 113

o 36″ = 133

o 53″-61″ Projection = 170

o Flat screen = 120

VCR/DVD = 17–21 / 20–25

Vacuum cleaner = 1000–1440

Water heater (40 gallon) = 4500–5500

Now that you know how to calculate energy consumption of common appliances in your home, it’s easier to figure out which ones you want to keep turned off as much as possible to save energy.

Overcharge is an excessive load in an electric component. It occurs when the magnitude of the voltage exceeds the preset nominal value. Commonly these surges are caused by excess consumption in the electrical installation.

Due to the electric current going through the air, the air is heated to 48,632 F°, (27,000 C°). The heated air is compressed from 10 to 100 times the normal atmospheric pressure. This causes the air to expand very fast which producing a shock wave of compressed particles in every direction, like an explosion. The rapidly expanding waves of compressed air creates a sonic bang. A couple of bangs one after the other is what we call thunder.

As a homeowner, you should be familiar with the location of your circuit breaker panel. In most homes, the circuit breaker box is located in the laundry area or basement. Sometimes the circuit breaker box is located on the outside of the home. In larger homes, there may be multiple circuit breaker panels, including the main panel and additional sub-panels. The circuit breaker panel box is usually gray in color and is mounted on a wall. If you open the panel doors, you will see several different circuit breakers. Each of these breakers controls the power input and output of each appliance in your home. The main breaker controls power to the entire home, and will shut off power to the entire home. A circuit breaker box houses the main and individual circuits for appliances in your home. Circuits serve to protect the home in the case of current overload. If an overload of power occurs, because of faulty electrical wiring or a multitude of other reasons, the breaker will trip causing power to be shut off, either to individual appliances or to the entire house. Most homeowners have experienced a tripped circuit breaker at one time or another. If you are unable to get power to a particular appliance, chances are the breaker was tripped. Because this is common, especially in older homes, it is important to label each circuit in the circuit breaker panel. To label the circuits, you can check by switching off each circuit to determine what power source each is linked to. Labeling each circuit in the circuit breaker box can make it much easier and less frustrating in the future.
  • Longer Lifespan

It is much more long-lasting than other types of lighting! The typical lifetime of a high-power white LED can be from about 35,000 to 50,000 or more hours. Outdoor LEDs are made with longer lifetimes and can last from 100,000 to 150,000 hours. ‘Lifetime’ actually refers to when the brightness drops under around 70%, as LEDs tend to gradually decrease in brightness as opposed to incandescents that stop working when the filament breaks. Because LEDs last longer, they require little maintenance.

  • Energy Efficient

Most of the energy LED lighting uses is converted to light, while the rest is converted to heat. Compared to other means of lighting, such as incandescentS, LEDs are around 80%-90% more energy efficient. This means an incandescent wastes more energy to heat a room than light it, while LEDs use most energy to light, which saves money on energy costs. This also means that compared to other lighting, LEDs produce less heat, which helps HVAC systems become more efficient as well. More well-designed and energy efficient LED lights are ENERGY STAR-qualified.

  • Durable

LEDs are not made of glass, and will not break like an incandescent bulb would. They are designed to handle rough conditions, and are ideal for outdoor use. They are resistant to impacts and shocks and can handle exposure to things like weather or dust from construction.

LEDs can be used in extremely hot or cold temperatures. The LED’s operation is not affected by extreme cold, unlike fluorescents that do not operate as well in cold temperatures.

  • Ecologically Safe

LED energy efficiency and longer lifespan means it’s better for the environment. It also doesn’t contain any hazardous materials, such as the mercury found in fluorescent lights. Because of this, fluorescents require special disposal, while LED lights are 100% recyclable.

  • Light

The light of LEDs contain almost no UV emissions and little infrared light. This means it can be used to light sensitive material or objects that cannot have UV emissions around, such as paintings in an art museum. LEDs are preferred when it comes to heat-sensitive material as well, as it produces next to no heat.

The light of LEDs do not waste energy shedding light where it does not need to go, as they are made to give off light in a specific direction. This not only adds to its efficiency, but reduces light pollution as well!

  • Frequent Use

Other kinds of lighting suffer a loss of light emission or a decrease in their lifespan from frequent light switching. LEDs do not suffer any loss from being switched on and off frequently.

LED lights also immediately light up when turned on, while other types would take a couple seconds to reach full brightness. Traffic lights benefit from LEDs because they light up right away.

  •  Std. RateF.C.A.Total Rate 
    Residential RS    
    Customer Charge  $15.00Per Meter
    Summer$0.067310$0.021660$0.088970Per KWh
    Winter$0.067180$0.021660$0.088840Per KWh
    Transition$0.066480$0.021660$0.088140Per KWh

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